I’m Jennifer. An author, seeker & creative muse jazzed about helping you tap into the magic & joy already within you because you, my beautiful friend, are the magic.
Hey, friend!
While growing up in southern Georgia, where honeysuckle grows wild and the whippoorwills sing, I became a writer in elementary school. I crafted epic tales of adventure and love and magic. I wrote stories in Mead notebooks, on printer paper, on napkins, on the soles of my shoes.
I’ve been dreaming big my whole life! Of course that means that there have been times when I didn’t have a clue what to do with myself or my dreams, when I’ve jumped without knowing for certain that I have wings. But I’ve been following my calling with consistent meaningful action. Allowing my inner knowing to guide me (when I actually listen) and so far it’s been brilliant. Except for those times I didn’t listen.
I’m a rebel . . . princess.
Any Star Wars fans out there? It’s okay to admit it. We can nerd out together! To the point, if you know me, you know I’m a rebel at heart. Unconventional. A little sideways. A college professor called me a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. Who wants to be normal anyway? Nobody, friend. Be star-shaped. Be octagonal. Be a unicorn, but for Pete’s sake, don't be somebody else’s round peg. Be you.

I consider myself a traveler, a baker, and a dreamer. I can always be won over with chocolate, unicorns, or rainbows.
A Harry Potter fanatic and the owner of an arsenal of sweet 1980s dance moves, I once read a 700-page book while sitting in a traffic jam (hello, Bonnaroo). When in doubt, play James Taylor. And I’m still holding onto the dream that one day I’ll be like Indiana Jones.
I believe in love—everlasting and forever.
I spent half my life trying to follow conventional ideas. You know what that feels like? Like trying to wear clothes that are 2 sizes too small. Tight, itchy & suffocating. These days I embrace my own magic and my ability to see it e v e r y w h e r e.
My books are full of whimsy and enchantment. If you’re looking for feel-good, cozy, sparkles, and synchronicities, escape into the Mystic Water Series or go on a scavenger hunt with Mattie in The Magic All Around. Ready for a time-traveling, mesmerizing journey to the 1920s? Grab The Vanishing of Josephine Reynolds. If you love folklore and talking animals, Nina, the Bear’s Child is a heartfelt place to start.
If you’re looking for guidance or a way to discover your own magic and creativity, I’m here for you, friend. In fact, here are a few ways I might be able to share wisdom with you:
Want to finally get started or complete the story burning in your heart & mind? I’ll help you find clarity & offer you strategies that will guide you toward your dreams.
Have killer ideas, but can’t always find the time or energy to get them done? I’ll help you tap into the creative energy flow that’s already inside of you.
Wish you had someone who GETS IT, someone who’s been where you are? Someone who can talk and laugh through the ups and downs of creativity? Someone who knows what it’s like to chase dreams alongside you? I get it, friend. I’ve been there, done that. Still doing it. Why don’t we do it together?

Ready for an adventure that will ignite your imagination and fill your heart with magic?
Thank you so much for taking the time to visit and spend your time with me. I’m thrilled we’re connected and I’m excited for the journey ahead!
So much love and light and sparkles,