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Cooking Through "The Baker's Man": Ewok Treat

Jennifer Moorman

Anna O'Brien works hard in Bea's Bakery, a bakery started in Mystic Water by her grandmother. Anna's creativity stretches and grows based on current trends in colors or tastes and also due to her customer's needs. She bakes all sorts of creations for birthdays, parties, graduations, and for everyday desires.

I love the Star Wars franchise, and Anna knows this because we know each other pretty well. I asked if she could create an Ewok out of rice cereal, and never one to turn down a challenge, she created this guy! We both have to admit that sometimes your dreams (or baked goods) don't always turn out exactly like you imagined, and sometimes an Ewok looks like a dog. But if you eat this little guy with a smile on your face, it's a win!

Ewok Treat

Feeds: a small army or two hungry people

Difficulty Level: depends on how much you want your creation to resemble the model


rice cereal

chocolate-flavored rice cereal


fruit rope

pretzel rods

chocolate-coated candies

melted chocolate


good sense of humor

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