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Easter Bread Basket

Jennifer Moorman

Are you looking for a fun Easter or spring project?!

I bet you've seen bread baskets online. Maybe you've felt too daunted to try or you think it's out of your skill set. Let me assure you that if I can create one, you can too!

You can make homemade dough or you can purchase pre-made dough (such as breadstick dough found in the refrigerated section of your grocery store). I weaved my bread dough over an oven-safe glass bowl to ensure that I achieved the round shape. I braided the handle separately and then attached it with toothpicks. The bread flowers were rolled into pinwheels and baked in a muffin tin. Easy peasy!

Want to try your hand at this baked delight? A Red Spatula has a great tutorial if you'd like extra assistance!

Happy Easter and happy baking!


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