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A Spook-tacular Tart

Jennifer Moorman

Updated: Oct 28, 2020

I have always loved Halloween. Not the super-creepy, jump-out-from-the-bushes aspects of the spooky holiday, though. I love the costumes, the decorations, the way candy becomes a food group!

But what I love most of all is baking a Halloween-inspired treat.

This year I decided to step way out of my comfort zone and try a few new tricks for this treat. I'd like to yell out a special thanks to my BFF Baking Buddy, Han, over a SugarYums who let me play the part of her Sorceress’ Apprentice. She’s the Jedi Master to my padawan, but look what I learned!

I made crème pâtissière, craquelin, frangipane, and choux pastry for the first time! We created a Spiderweb Blackberry and Pistachio Tart with a black sesame tart crust; pistachio, honey & lemon frangipane; and blackberry ganache.

The Black Widow Spider Choux Puffs are filled with a decadent crème pâtissièret and topped with black craquelin.

I hope this spook-tacular treat makes you smile because let’s creep it real here: My black widow spiders look a lot more like mild-mannered Aragogs than scary. But here’s to learning new techniques, spending a fantastical day with my BFF Baking Buddy (via Zoom), and eating delicious treats!

Wanna see Han's jaw-dropping version over on SugarYums?! Yes, yes you do, very much so! Creep on over to her Instagram page as well!

Wanna take a stab at this recipe? Don't be scared! If I can do this, so you can you! Find the full recipe HERE on SugarYums!


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