When I think of foods I want to eat in Florida, I always think of fresh citrus. Oranges, lemons, limes—zested into desserts, into drinks, into 5-Star meals. Speaking of 5-Star foods, my Citrus Sugar Cookie Bar is packed full of citrus! AND they're inspired by the 5-Star luxury resort and spa Acqualina!
Just like the Acqualina, these bars are festive, zesty, and will put a pep in your step!

Acqualina is also giving all of their guests a copy of my magical realism novel The Baker's Man! So while you treat yourself to this citrus-packed dessert inspired by my novel, why not relax at Aqualina's gorgeous stretch of beach and read about a small-town baker who creates a man out of dough and turns her life upside down!

Waves and waves of thank yous to the Acqualina Resort & Spa and Bedside Reading for sharing my books with their special guests
Who else loves citrus desserts? What's your favorite?
